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Support the Piglet Mindset Educational Program!

Help Piglet and his pack teach elementary school students to be positive, inclusvie, and kind.

$53,549 raised

$75,000 goal

/ 150


Piglet Mindset Educational Program 2024 Fundraising Campaign

Piglet, the deaf blind pink puppy was rescued from a hoarding situation in Georgia along with his mother and 3 litter mates. He is a double dapple Dachshund Chihuahua mix. Piglet is deaf and blind.

Piglet traveled to CT on March 4, 2017 as a 1 1/2 pound screaming baby dog to be fostered by veterinarian Melissa Shapiro and her husband Warren Shapiro. As things happen, his foster home was his forever home and he was formally adopted Piglet in May, 2017.

After months of screaming and severe separation anxiety, Piglet finally got into a routine snuggling in his Favorite Dad's arms, playing with his dog pack siblings, taking walks down the street, traveling to house calls with his veterinarian mom, visiting the animal hospital to see his BFFs, and visiting his friends at the bank and pet stores. He is very popular wherever he goes as he has a way of creating smiles on the faces of everyone he meets.

Piglet has learned how to face his challenges with a positive attitude despite his limitations. He optimizes his senses of smell, touch, taste, and love, to engage and be part of his family, his environment, and his happy life. He is an enthusiastic little dog who inspires children and adults to bring his positivity into their own lives.

Our online educational materials illustrate how Piglet uses the 3 senses he has to live a happy, meaningful, productive life despite his disabilities. Piglet and his amazing supportive 7-pack of rescued dogs set an extraordinary example of acceptance, inclusion, empathy, and kindness regardless of looks, abilities, and disabilities.

The primary goals of the Piglet Mindset Educational Program are to reinforce SEL, Growth Mindset, and Inclusion lessons with an emphasis on resilience, inclusion, and being kind.

Piglet Mindset Lesson Plans and Educational Materials are on Piglet’s website for teachers who are interested in using Piglet as part of their SEL, growth mindset, and inclusion curriculum. We encourage teachers to add to and improvise to fit Piglet Mindset into their own teaching style and classroom atmosphere.

Our online educational materials can also be used at home, with scouts, camps, counseling services, senior centers, programs for individuals with disabilities.

Our in-person and virtual school and classroom visits enhance our program. We have customized our virtual visits for full school assemblies, for one grade level, individual classes, scouts, dance groups, and other nonprofit organizations. Piglet Mindset is also adaptable to older students, college classes, and corporate conferences and other events. We are open to sharing Piglet's message of inclusion, empathy, and kindness with all who are interested.

Donations to Piglet International Inc. support all aspects of our Piglet Mindset Educational Program as well as our work with special needs dog rescues.

Piglet's Mission

  • Advocate for and support rescued animals through education and fundraising.
  • Inspire and motivate others to adopt pets with disabilities and special needs.
  • Facilitate Piglet Mindset Educational Outreach to teachers, students, and others in the community.
  • Encourage Acceptance, Inclusion, Empathy, and Kindness through the example of Piglet’s Inclusion Pack.
  • Put a smile on faces all around the world.